Secret Vinyl Download #10
I've had a long history with this album, as I'm sure many others have as well. The copy this is ripped from arrived on my wedding day in 2014, so they're always linked there in my mind. This version is a special box set edition with the entire album on 45s. It came with some bonus tracks, two of which feature guests and their vocals, which is kinda funny since there were no vocals recorded expressly for this album. Still, as much as I love it, it's kind of haunting, knowing it's creator passed away right after it was released. Also funny, since I'd heard this album quite a bit before it was released. I'm not 100% sure, but I think I'd downloaded Madvillainy and this, both ripped from advance CDs that had tags in the tracks that would interrupt them and tell you what you were listening to. That was kind of annoying, especially for Madvillainy , but it kinda added to the aura of this album. I've still got those mp3s, but I haven't listened to them...