some remixes I like that I think you might like too
My job is returning to its normal schedule next week, so I'm not going to have much time to post regularly. Not that I've posted much regularly in recent history. Still, I've got a few things up my sleeve and I'd like to post things now and again. I don't have much ready to go right now though, so I'm sharing a few remixes I like that, as the title gives away, I think you might like too. If you don't like them, sorry, I'll post other remixes later. For now though, here are four remixes for your enjoyment. Pizzy Yelliott - Could You Be Loved (Mungolian Jetset 303 Acid Mix feat. Katzenjammer) I'm 99% sure I posted this a while ago, though it was probably a very old mp3, whereas this is a fresh transfer from my vinyl. There was some noise in the first eight bars that I couldn't get removed no matter how hard I tried, so I recreated the intro by reassembling the loops from non-shitty sounding parts. If you haven't heard this track before, prepare...